Embodied Carbon – Why do products even have it?

18 Mar, 2022, 12:58 AM |  BlogNews

The ACT Government is demonstrating great leadership in the area of embodied carbon / Greenhouse Gas mitigation. From research and understanding, to developing meaningful policy and ultimately in taking action that demonstrates a genuine commitment to the cause, it is not just a local standout, it is world class.

Not only did the ACT Government commit to a Net Zero electricity grid by 2025, it achieved this admirable goal five years ahead of target!

The Footprint Company has supported ACT Government Departments through completing their Scope 3 Carbon Assessment. This identified areas for significant mitigation potential and included recommendations for further analysis and development in areas of accounting methodologies, procurement and ultimately, consolidation of mitigation pathways into a whole of Government Net Zero 2045 roadmap.

If you’re up for it, you can download the whole report HERE.

We and our customers are very familiar with the topic of Scope 3 emissions and in particular what this means in the context of the built environment. As people who are passionate to share our knowledge and help others in the industry to “get it”, it sometimes helps to bring the message closer to home.

embodied carbon emissions

The ACT Government has created a neat little information pack that can be accessed HERE.

It does a great job of simplifying and clarifying scope 3 emissions so when next someone asks “what are they?”, “why does it matter?” or even “why do products have embodied carbon?”, send them the link and join us on the crusade to spread the word and drive understanding and action.

Happy reading and if you want to discuss how your business can develop it’s understanding of Scope 3, please reach out to us, we’d be happy to help.

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